In our lives, we cross paths with people &/or events that help to make us who we are. For me that person is our daughter Sydney, who due to an event, has inspired me beyond belief. Syd inspired us to form the United Sydney Association in order to further research towards the ultimate prevention & eventual cure of Cerebral Palsy and other brain injuries.
Below is exactly why I am also inspired to continue with our mission while advocating awareness to all about these injuries. Syd not only writes from her heart, but without use of her hands... she types using her nose.

* Please join us on 6/3/17 for this year’s event… further details at

Body Prison
By Sydney Reich 2017

All her life she
was wheelchair bound. Her
disability prohibited her
to walk independently, move graciously, and talk efficiently. 
Day after day, she
tried to accomplish what was considered the 
impossible for her. She
failed repetitively. 

Everywhere she
went people would stare at her, 
talk to her as if she
was five years old, or
disregard her as if she 
did not exist. She
yearned to be included, accepted, and loved, 
but she was not. 

She was determined 
to change the world’s stigmas on
disabilities. She
purchased numerous devices to expand her 
independence. She
attended a university in which she 
proved to her doubters that she 
could successfully 
live without her family 
in addition to earn scholarly grades and 
be well acquainted 
throughout campus. She 
may be locked in a 
body prison, but she 
is not 

She believed 
people’s perception of 
disabilities leave them 
nowhere, but 